The Tuffy Clinton Township Guide to Saving Fuel: Beware of Myths
February 24, 2019
There's a lot of auto advice in Michigan right now on how to save money on gas. Some of it is good advice. Some of it isn't. Some of it is myth. And it may well be a scam. Plain and simple. When someone offers you a product designed to save money on gas, ask yourself, Does this sound too good to ... More
Keeping Your 'Old Faithful' Auto Running
February 18, 2019
At Tuffy Clinton Township we've had a lot of Clinton Township customers asking how they can make their vehicles last longer. These questions are actually a reflection of a trend that's been building for several years in Michigan. The median age of personal vehicles is now over nine years. And 33 ... More

Fuel Saving Tip: Auto Myths Around Clinton Township
February 11, 2019
With high fuel prices in Clinton Township, Michigan, comes lots of gas saving advice. Some of it, like what you hear on is great. When you get one of those e-mails that's going around telling you how to save gas, try to think it through.Does it really make sense? Does it defy the laws of physi... More

Commitment to Make Your vehicle Last at Tuffy Clinton Township
February 4, 2019
These days many people in the Clinton Township area are really committed to making their cars last a long time. First thing: you've got to start with what you've got. It'd be ideal if people started with a brand new car, never missed a scheduled service item, paid attention to the severe service... More